NMKV's 3 Functions

NMKV achieves innovative automobile craftsmanship through three unique functions.

  1. 1.Product planning We utilize an approach that fuses the Nissan style with the Mitsubishi style into a single unprecedented and innovative concept. Cars that give form to the individual Nissan and Mitsubishi brands are then designed based on this product concept.
  2. 2.Project development We achieve a high level of overall balance between quality, cost, and time in automobile development by organically combining Mitsubishi's strengths in Kei-car development and Nissan's technology and expertise.
  3. 3.Mono-zukuri support The technology and expertise of Mitsubishi and Nissan are fused together through NMKV, not only in product planning and development, but in purchasing, production, improvement of quality, and all other aspects of Mono-zukuri. We support overall Mono-zukuri by utilizing the strengths of both companies to their fullest.
NMKV Spirits

NMKV Spirits

NMKV plans and develops automobiles.
In our planning work, we analyze the market and determine the focus targets. From there we create the concept and apply it to the specifications of the car. Then in the development phase we carefully consider that plan, then give it form while examining the technology, cost, and other factors required to implement the plan. The role of planning involves a pursuit of the ideal while balancing the objectivity of the market and the views of the customer with our own subjectivity, and the role of development involves keeping an eye on what can be achieved now while looking toward the future. The clash of the “fastidiousness” and “willfulness” of the two leads to “innovative cars.”

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. These two brands with completely different personalities are each the only ones of their kind, and offer a unique worldview to the customer. The greatest appeal of NMKV’s planning and development is in the creation of two identities and two cars within the context of a single project.

To achieve this, it is important for staff members who have grown in completely different cultures to know and accept each other, search for the most rational and efficient approach, and unite to push the work forward. The difficulties, joys, and motivation of NMKV’s planning and development are all consolidated in that effort.

Types of Car We Develop

Types of Car We Develop

See the Kei-cars developed by NMKV on the Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi Motors Corporation websites.